Can you sit on the floor? Then don’t read this!!!
I hear it all the time.
I cannot sit on the floor – so I cannot do yoga
I cannot touch my toes – so I cannot do yoga
I am not at all flexible – so I cannot do yoga
I am too old – so I cannot do yoga
There are only slim women in the yoga classes – so there is no place for men like me in the yoga classes
I do not need yoga since I workout
Yoga is a religion – so it is not for me
Etc. etc. etc.,,,,,
These are things people say when I tell them I teach yoga. These are valid concerns, opinions, thoughts. However, none of these stop you from doing yoga if it is taught “to you” and not just taught in general.
These days, diversity and inclusiveness are two terms that are garnering a lot of attention from all the fields of activities. Diversity does not mean just people from various ethnic backgrounds; it also means people from various physical abilities and limitations.
Yoga is not just a physical modality, but it is also a wellness pathway. Before we delve deeper, let us look at what wellness is all about.
Since the last few decades, more and more people started talking about wellness, not just health. Wellness industry is growing rapidly, and the global wellness economy is now valued at $4.4 trillion according to Global Wellness Institute.
So, what is wellness? Dr. John Travis came up with the model of illness-wellness Continuum back in 1972.

Speaking in most general terms, the current yoga teacher is trained to teach people who are slender, athletic, fit, flexible and young (SAFFYS). This is the focus audience in gyms and most yoga studios.
How about the majority audience who fall in between the above continuum? People who are sedentary, who have illnesses, and who are in the older age bracket? Unfortunately most of the 200 hour yoga teacher trainings do not address this set of population. These trainings teach how to teach poses but not how to teach them to diverse people.
How do we make yoga more inclusive to embrace people on both ends of the continuum, as well as in the middle? Since this inclusivity is missing, we do not see as many men, as many middle-aged population and as many ill people who really need yoga, in yoga classes.
Keeping this gap in mind, I strive to pay particular attention to each student and try to address their concerns.
You are more than welcome to my classes, if you fall into the following categories (in other words, not SAFFYS)
50 plus
Not flexible
Have physical limitations
And other inhibitions
A word of caution though – you may not be able to participate in the multi-level group classes. You may have to take one on one, private sessions until you feel comfortable, but you can do group yoga by all means.
To learn yoga safely:
try to do your research
chat with the teacher to see how they are going to modify the poses for you
Request a sample class
Make a commitment for long term

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try - make 2022 a memorable year. Chat with me and let us put our heads together to come up with a plan for your wellness journey.
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